Haoyilai Translation Center

  • Room 713, Floor 7, Yufa Building, No. 19 Xiaoying North Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, PRC
  • 400-657-0220 (7 days x 24 hours)
  • 0086-10-8461-5441, 8461-0841, 4631476


Home > ABOUT US > Goal

Company Goal

Improve the international translation service system in our Beijing headquarters, German branch, and American branch. These facilities will be the stepping stones to expand operations worldwide. 

Establish and operate a translation talent station and launch a foreign language talent network. Strive to provide an all-round foreign language talent hunting and recruitment service.

Develop a machine translation platform, and endeavor to be the worldwide leader in the field of machine translation. Utilize the translation talent network as the company’s support foundation and our rich compilation of successful projects as our guarantee.