Haoyilai Translation Center

  • Room 713, Floor 7, Yufa Building, No. 19 Xiaoying North Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, PRC
  • 400-657-0220 (7 days x 24 hours)
  • 0086-10-8461-5441, 8461-0841, 4631476

Written Translation

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Quotation of Written Translation (Currency: USD; the charge shall be based on the original or translated Chinese text)




Japanese / Korean

Russian / German / French

Spanish /Arabic /Portuguese /Italian /Mongolian /
Thai /Vietnamese /Burmese /Cambodian /Lao /Indonesian /Malay

English to Chinese

Chinese to English

Foreign language to Chinese

Chinese to foreign language

Foreign language to Chinese

Chinese to foreign language

Foreign language to Chinese

Chinese to foreign language





























1. Word count method:  Use the number of words displayed in Microsoft Word 2010 menu tool - displayed as “word count.”;
2. Differences between ordinary, technical, and advanced categories,
3. If a translator is required to translate in a client designated place, then 150% of the translation price shall be charged. The customers must provide computer and other hardware equipment, transportation, accommodation, etc. If a client is in the same city (Beijing) and asks to see the level of the translator, an extra door-to-door service fee shall be charged.
4. The starting price of materials translation is USD 18.00.
5.  For certificate type documents, see "Certificate Translation Price List."
6. Chart statistics: If the document is less than half a page, it shall be calculated as 400 words. If the document is less than a full page, it shall be calculated at 700 words (use A4 as the standard).
7. An additional 50% of the base price shall be charged for urgent work (days of normal manuscript completion: from the second day after the commission, it is reasonable and customary to translate 4,000 Chinese characters every day);
8.  An additional 50% -100% of the base price shall be charged for the translation of published manuscripts and other materials.
9. Payment: Advance payment shall be charged at 50% of the estimated words. For non-local or individual manuscripts, part of the manuscript shall be delivered after 50% of the fee is paid in advance. All manuscripts shall be delivered after full payment is made..
10. The above prices include the cost of common typesetting and black and white printing;
11. Without the prior agreement by both parties, the translation version shall be input into the software by the translation center.
12. A printed translation and electronic document shall be provided for free.
13. The quotation is subject to interpretation by Beijing Haoyilai Translation Center.

Difference between advanced, technical, and ordinary manuscripts:

Advanced category:usually refers to published books, authoritative websites, enterprise brochures, patent legal documents, and other materials. Items included in this category have a strict style, carefully chosen words, implement a language standard, and are aligned with the requirements of publication and publicity. The translation from a foreign language into Chinese may be reviewed by experts within 20 years of the translation experience. The translation from Chinese into a foreign language shall be jointly reviewed by industry experts with translation experience and foreign translation experts (it takes a long time to make an appointment with experts in advance).
Technical category:This usually refers to highly technical data in an industrial field, and the translation should meet all applicable professional requirements. The translation from a foreign language into Chinese can be reviewed by experts with 10 years of the professional translation experience. The translation from Chinese into a foreign language shall be jointly reviewed by industry experts with translation experience and other foreign translation experts.
General category:General category: This category usually refers to non-technical data. The translation from a foreign language into Chinese may be reviewed by experts with 6 years of the professional translation experience. The translation from Chinese into a foreign language may be reviewed by experts with 6 years of the translation experience.